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Top 4 Natural Antidepressants

Dr Eman Zaky • March 18, 2021

Give Your Body a Little Break from Antidepressants

Ways to Naturally Lift Your Mood by Releasing Endorphins
  • Exercising is essential! According to research, regular exercise can have antidepressant effects. The rhythm of continuous exercise releases endorphins and encourages reflective thinking.

  • Laughter. The more we laugh, the healthier our outlook and overall wellbeing becomes. Problems seem to be shrinking as well, resulting in an increase in energy.

  • Sunlight. There is a direct connection between being exposed to sunlight and serotonin levels. Try to skip your cubicle at work during lunchtime to walk outdoors, as it helps improve your sleep and definitely your mood by elevating vitamin D levels and subsequently improving your psychological wellbeing.

  • Bacteria. There are about 100 trillion bacteria in the digestive system, which is almost equal to the number of stars in the galaxy. Collectively called the gut microbiota. Science has started to look more closely at how this massive network of species influences—and even improves—health conditions. Moreover, gut bacteria are also related to serotonin levels through the gut-brain axis. Therefore, consuming a high-fiber diet is essential to promote healthy gut bacteria. Yogurt and Probiotic supplements can be useful as well to flourish gut microbiota and ensure good serotonin levels.

  • By affecting the development of endorphins, the brain's "feel-good" chemicals, certain behaviors, and foods can improve your mood naturally without the need for medications. Try to drink a herbal tea, chamomile or green tea, play some binaural beats, light aromatic candles, and read a good book. 

    N.B: Always refer to your physician / psychiatrist before taking or withdrawing medication.
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