Training Tips
1 - Start with stretching
2 - Walk daily 30 minutes
3 - Jump-rope. Start with 15 up and increase gradually daily.
4 - Always warm up before any exercise to strengthen your core. 5 to 20 minutes low to moderate intensity exercise will help you lift weights and prevent injuries.
5 - Take days off.
6 - Manage your nutritional intake to match your training schedule.
7 - Gain inner and outer Balance by practicing more yoga.
8 - Make a workout routine. Repetition is the secret to the super-sculp body of your dreams.
9 - Having a training partner with the same body shape and goals is 50% of the motivation you need.
10 - Set a weekly workout goal and stick to it. For example you can workout for 200 minutes a week.
11 - Create your daily workout meals and routine, read and ask more about training regimens, supplements, training equipment...etc
12 - Motivate yourself by taking before and after photos, measuring your waist and forgetting about the scale.
13 - The most critical and effective trick is to sleep and drink enough water