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Mind Your Meals

Dr Eman Zaky • January 13, 2021

Feeling Blue?

Eating the wrong food when you're depressed will make you feel worse. Junk food may be the most palatable option during your lows, but it will drag you to a darker place. You need to be aware of your choice of food that you pick to boost your mood. This is my short list of food that will help you surviving exhaustion and feeling blue.

- Grapes contain antioxidants and stimulate the production of melatonin. Grapeseed oil also helps reduce inflammation, stress and aging.

- Chocolate is not only a great gift to express love, it contains many chemical compounds that enhances good mood and brain health. Anandamide releases endorphins and serotonin in your brain, elevate mood and decrease mood swings.
- Bananas are rich in Vitamins B6, A and C, fibre, tryptophan, potassium, iron, protein and healthy carbs. Give a quick boost from fructose to sustain energy for longer time. Also B6 converts tryptophan into serotonin. 

- Vitamin B6, tryptophan, protein, folate, omega-3, and uridine are present in walnuts. It's one of the strongest antidepressants providing lasting feeling of satisfaction, and fights fatigue by boosting energy levels

- Eggs are the basic protein unit we add to our daily meals. They contain omega-3, riboflavin (B12), and tryptophan. Omega 3 prevent blood clotting, work as Anti-inflammatory, also increase cognition and learning.

- Your mood, energy balance and sleep are managed by magnesium. Especially during stressful times, the body needs a lot of magnesium. Nice sources: vegetables with green leaves, almonds

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